4 Ways to Grow Your Business with Online Courses
At Byte Outfitters we’ve noticed a trend lately with small business owners launching online courses to grow their business. Small businesses have been looking for ways to grow their digital commerce and online marketing to drive company goals. Offering online courses can be an effective way to improve or grow your business. Here are the top four ways I see online courses being used to grow business.
Customer Acquisition
Webinars and workshops are commonly used for businesses to attract an audience and collect sales leads. You can use online courses the same way. Share some of your knowledge with a free online course. Ask website visitors to register before accessing the course and offer an opt-in method to get on your mailing list for more tips, resources and special offers.
Increase Sales
Consultants and Coaches frequently offer online courses to complement their other services. Weight loss coaches might bundle a course on nutrition with their one-on-one consulting service. A great idea is to take foundational information that most of your clients need and put it into a course. You can then use it as a promotional piece at an attractive price to attract new clients and demonstrate your subject matter expertise.
Customer Retention & Success
If your product or service has a bit of a learning curve you might consider offering a course to educate customers. Help get them up to speed just a little bit faster. Show them tips and tricks from the experts. When you’re customer is successful you’re more likely to have a repeat customer.
Large businesses have used online learning to train their employees in a cost-effective manner. Tools are now available for businesses of all sizes to create custom courses for their employees. Enable your employees to take online courses remotely without having to come into your facility. A side benefit of online learning is the reporting capabilities. You’ll have information at your fingertips to see employee training progress and results.
At Byte Outfitters we’ve been helping businesses with online courses for years. We can set you up so you can create your own courses. Alternatively, we can handle the entire project including course creation by our expert instructional designer.
If you’re a business owner interested in improving your digital marketing and commerce then I’d love to help you.
Contact me to learn how Byte Outfitters can help you achieve your online goals.